when an hour isn’t enough

EMDR Intensive Treatment for Faster Recovery

in Charlotte, NC & Statewide

You have a lot on your plate. 

Therapy is a big time investment. what if we could dramatically reduce the time you have to take away from your work and family?

 EMDR therapy intensives allow deep work, fast.

How therapy works

What are EMDR Intensive sessions?

EMDR intensives are longer duration EMDR sessions that allow you to process more without breaking up the work into smaller pieces. By engaging in EMDR therapy for 2-hour blocks of time or more, we can move through your processing work to trauma resolution more quickly, with less disruption to your life. 

When you have to stop and start your processing to fit within the traditional hour-long therapy session, it can slow down the timeline to recovery and require you to step away from your other obligations more frequently. Intensive sessions reduce this disruption to the therapy process and your schedule. 

Let’s get the work done so you can get back to what matters most.

What are the benefits of EMDR Intensive sessions?

  • Overall reduction in duration of treatment and disruption to your schedule. 

  • Less likelihood of becoming distracted by recent stressors eating up valuable therapy time, allowing you to focus on the reason you’re here.

  • Processing memories with EMDR brings up difficult emotions. Rather than being left holding those emotions week after week, longer sessions allow an increased likelihood of resolving the memory in one meeting and reducing the number of times you will be coping with challenging emotions between sessions.

What to expect:

Intensive sessions cannot start immediately. We will first meet for traditional one-hour sessions as we move through the EMDR treatment phases of Evaluation and Preparation. (Learn about phases of treatment here.) 

Once we are ready to begin Trauma Resolution, we will begin meeting for longer sessions to allow your brain the time it needs to resolve painful past memories more quickly and with minimal disruption. Typically longer sessions will be either 2 or 3 hours. We will discuss what is appropriate for your treatment before scheduling.

EMDR Intensives can help you…

  • Resolve trauma much more quickly than in weekly, 1-hour sessions.

  • Reduce disruption to your work obligations.

  • Get in, get out, get better.

Frequently asked questions about EMDR Intensives


  • That will depend on your personal history and healing process. We will discuss estimated timelines after initial evaluation.

    Learn more.

  • That will be up to you. Some individuals find that maintaining the connection to their therapist is helpful and wish to continue with maintenance therapy. Others have completed what they came to do and are ready to end the therapy relationship at that time. I’m here to support you in whatever you find most helpful.

    Learn more.

  • Maintenance therapy is 50-minute therapy sessions on a regular basis (often every other week) to continue the therapeutic relationship and help prevent relapse. Clients often find it helpful to have a reliable place to process new stressors or prepare to manage upcoming challenges.

    Life never stops evolving, having a space to mindfully manage those changes can be very helpful in maintaining your mental health. 

    Learn more.

  • The first step is easy, click here to set up a free consultation. If we both think we're a good fit, we will get you in for your first appointment as soon as possible.

Real change, faster.